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Anteprima intervistona sul Caucaso - 09-11-2008
Incontro "arrampicatorio" del forum di Quotazero.com presso le Placche delle Ferriere in Val Cerusa 17-05-2009
Incontro del forum di Quotazero.com sul Monte Santa Croce sopra Pieve Ligure 11-05-2008
Incontro serale del forum di Quotazero.com sul Monte Gazzo - 11-06-2009
Intervistona sul Monte Caucaso in occasione del IV Raduno del forum quotazero.com - 09-11-2008
Monte Dente per la Cresta Nord - 13-02-2010
Monte Pennino 06-02-2008
Registrazione da TV del TGR Liguria che ha parlato della 10° edizione della Rigantoca - 14-06-2009

Incontro "arrampicatorio" del forum di Quotazero.com ad Alpicella 20-04-2008

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Commento di Colsub
del 02-11-2008:
Commento di postingsrnp
del 03-08-2021:
Dear Madame, Dear Sirs! Mass Internet ads for organic growth of behavioural factors. https://xn----ftbeand5abdikisgee.xn--p1ai/home/ Factors influencing consumer behaviour are certain actions of users on the web page, such as: logging in to the internet resource, viewing pages, time spent on the online resource, “clicks” on links, repeated returns to the website. UTO: Large-scale placement of your ads on the web in order to attract potential customers. Organic growth of behavioural factors occurs by the large-scale placement of your ads without specifying the address of your web page, but with the indication of other identifying features according to which you directly become number one in the top. These features can include a phone number, a unique name of the company or website, an identifier (number, product code, promotions, services), a physical address of the firm and etc. AIM: The widespread attraction of potential customers to your web page, products and services. Organic growth of factors influencing consumer behaviour. BENEFIT: An increase in online resource visitors who will find your webpage directly from ads using search engines as well as through additional results of a search itself related to a the widest range of internet queries on your topic. ADVANTAGES OF THIS AD: 1. Spread. 2. High-speed placement. 3. Price. 4. Topic orientated. 5. The widest reach. 6. Regionality. 7. Organic growth of behavioural factors. REASONS TO ORDER LARGE-SCALE ADS PLACEMENT ON THE INTERNET ДЛЯ GROWTH OF BEHAVIOURAL FACTORS: 1.Large-scale attraction of customers to your products and services through direct traffic from ads. 2.Promotion of your online resource, due to search beginning to additionally suggest it for the widest range of key queries based on your subject. 3. The absence of "filters" and "bans" of search, due to ads being published without an indication of an link to the website. 4. An increase in internet resource traffic, which leads to an increase in orders and an expansion of the client base. 5. "Warm traffic", since only engaged customers visit the website. 6. Attraction of legal entities and individuals. 7. Analysis of demand for goods and services. 8.Placement of your ads in different countries around the world. WHERE ADS ARE PLACED: Ads are placed: on billboards, in guest books, in comments, on forums, in catalogues. Ads are placed on your: landing pages,websites, phones, YouTube videos, social media accounts , and on links to your other ads. SEARCH ENGINE SANCTIONS: In this ad a ban by search engine is not possible, since ads are placed without specifying an link to the web page. Your actions: You send us the text of the ad, where your unique name and identifier is indicated at the end of the message, according to which an engaged customer can easily and quickly find your internet resource in search results in order to get further information about your product. To do this, identifier or a unique name must be published in the appropriate section of your internet resource и easily be found in results. Macros: Randomisation of ads is done according to the formula, which is accepted by many programs. As a result of randomisation, many unique ads are obtained from one ad variant. This is obtained as a result of physically synomising the ad text, while the meaning of the messages does not change and remains understandable. [url=https://xn----ftbeand5abdikisgee.xn--p1ai/home/] Organic growth of factors influencing consumer behaviour.[/url]
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